How to start a name change and rebrand. Brand Spotlight: Julie Dominy Floral Artistry
How to start a name change and rebrand. Brand Spotlight: Julie Dominy Floral Artistry

A rebrand! A name change! We’re here to walk with clients through the process of figuring out what feels and sounds right. Changing your business name and look is not easy, but it sometimes feels like the necessary next step when you’re excited and passionate. That’s precisely where Julie Dominy, owner of Southern Florals and Drapes, found herself.
If you ever want to get Elizabeth fired up, just start brainstorming new business names and taglines. As a general rule of thumb, we’ve outlined below how to start:
First Steps for changing your business name and rebranding:
- Research available domain names. You will want to check with your attorney to be sure the name you want is available, but when you’re in the brainstorming phase, the best place to quickly rule out options is by seeing if the “.com” is available. We recommend going to GoDaddy and typing in the desired name at the top for a simple search. You can then think through alternatives or add things like your city or other words to find the right, unique name.
- After you find that a favorite “.com” is available (Yes. You need the .com. Even if the .net or .fillintheblank is open. Choose a name that you can own the .com for). Head over to Instagram and see if the desired name is available as an insta. handle. You can be more creative here, but the closer you can get to your exact name, the better to avoid confusion down the road. You want to make it easy for people to find your social media accounts when searching the business name.
- After you’ve grabbed your domain name and Instagram handle, it’s time to reach out to your trusted legal partner to have them double-check things and make it all official.
Things to keep in mind when brainstorming a new business name
- What do you want people to call the business in casual conversation? Does it roll off the tongue? Is it memorable? Does it have a personality? Tell the name to several people, family members, neighbors, hell give Elizabeth a call and see what she thinks.
- You don’t have to include everything in the name. You’ll have other opportunities to explain what it is you do or sell. Like in the tagline and your social media posts and branding beyond the name/logo.
- Keep regional culture in mind. Are you selling locally, or will you be selling to people all over the world?
After you’ve settled on your new name, it’s time to start developing the new look, feel, and personality of your business. Things like tagline, colors, what your employees will wear, your location, signage all of these things make up you brand and are as important as the name and logo.
Case Study: Logo Design and Name Change for Julie Dominy, Formerly Southern Florals and Drapes